Har Ki Dun

A doorway to ancient Himalayan villages

Har Ki Dun is one in all the foremost stunning valleys within the Western chain. It’s snuggled within the middle of a cradle-shaped depression below the Har Ki Dun peak. A delight for trekkers, each in summer and winter, this depression is accessible through Govind parkland – acknowledged for its wealthy form of flora and fauna. The path through alpine meadows, ground ridges, ice mass basins, pine forests and ancient villages, provides you spectacular depression views and an opportunity to expertise the extraordinary slow-paced native style.

This is a depression trek wherever you trek on the Thamsa stream to Har Ki Dun depression. Since the trekking path isn’t treaded upon too typically, birds and animals thrive during this region. One will spot languor families close to Puani Garaat. Black bears, wild boars and Barasingha area unit few of the opposite animals you’ll spot if you’re lucky. Golden eagles and big Himalayan griffins conjointly live here. The colorful Himalayan pheasant, the state bird of Uttarakhand, thrives within the forests here.

In A Shroud of Mythology


The Trek

No alternative trek is therefore steeped in mythology to justify the title of “Valley of Gods”. Follow the path of Pandavas United Nations agency took the exact same route to ascend to heaven via Swargarohini, the mountain that dominates the Har Ki Dun depression. The mountain views you get on this trek area unit distinctive. This can be the sole depression from wherever you’ll see Swargarohini – I, II, III, Bandarpoonch and Black peak, all at once. You’ll conjointly see the Ruin Sara peaks from here.

The Har Ki Dun path takes you back in time. The cradle formed depression is inhabited with ancient villages that area unit over 3,000 years recent. This is conjointly one in all the few treks wherever one can stumble upon the native style in shut proximity. They conjointly weave their own wool and build jackets and coats.

The main god loved here during this region is Duryodhana. It’s believed that the depression was home to a human named Bhog DAT, a Kaurava supporter from the Mahabharata. As a result of this, the Har Ki Dun depression is one in all the few places in Asian country wherever Duryodhana is loved. However with passing time, this tradition is swiftness being forgotten. On this trek you’ll get associate degree intimate cross-check lives of villagers as they pass you by.

Day 1: Reach Sankri

Sankri, base camp for this trek, may be a little however pretty village with 250 homes. Some dhabas and outlets structure the commerce scene in Sankri. In high season, it’s typically active with trekking activity because it is that the basecamp for several treks – Kedarkantha, island Pass and Borasu Pass. The village offers an exquisite read of the sun setting behind the larger chain. The peaks of Swargarohini shimmer within the evening sun, standing tall over the ridges on the far side Sankri.

The drive to Sankri can take you thru Nainbagh, Naugaon, Purola, Jarmola, Mori Naitwar (a left flip from Naitwar can lead you to Dhaula, that is that the base camp for Rupin Pass and Bharadsar lake trek), and eventually Sankri.

  • Altitude: 6,397 ft. (1,950 m)
  • Time taken: Sankri, the base camp, can be reached in 8-10 hours from Dehradun. Transport will be arranged from Dehradun Railway station at 6.30 am.
Day 2: Sankri to Bhida ka Thach via Taluka
  • Altitude: 6,397 ft. (1,950 m) to 8,280 ft. via 7,953 ft. (2,424 m)
  • Time taken: 3 hours. 12 km drive to Taluka + 3 km trek to Bhida ka Thach
  • Trek gradient: Easy. Easy walk for about 2 hours.
  • Water sources: You can refill your water bottles in the river along the trail.

There is a four-wheel-drive road that connects Sankri with Taluka.

If you’re trekking on your own, you’ll either rent an automobile (locally) for this, subject to the condition of the road, or walk to Taluka. This can be a landslide prone route, and is usually closed throughout the monsoons. The path to Taluka is nearly level, rummaging 10-11 mountain bends. On the way, there are a unit 3 huge streams, nearly immersion sections of the road in water. The hike is scenic, going past a series of untamed roses and irises and bamboo, chestnut and cedar (deodar) trees. Simply a pair of kilometer before Taluka, there’s a camping area beside a stream. You’ll camp here if there isn’t enough time to travel to Puani Garaat i.e. if you’re hiking from Sankri. There’s conjointly a GMVN Guest house at Taluka for accommodation. The dhaba food is incredibly basic.

Trekkers drive from Sankri to Taluka (12 kilometer, 1 hour). Taluka may be a little village with concrete homes. This can be quite a distinction from the design in neighboring villages like Sankri, Osla and Gangad, that area unit on the point of three hundred years recent. We have a tendency to begin the trek towards Bhida Hindu deity Thach from Taluka.

Next to the forest guest house, the path descends to the stream depression of Thamsa and continues through a series of forests, whereas the stream remains on your right. This shepherds’ path goes on the stream on grade walk. Around ten minutes into the hike, spot the primary cemented bridge over alittle stream. Another quarter-hour of level walk can have you ever reach another bridge, this time, a wood one. These 2 spots area unit contributory to extra service drink.

From here, walk uphill for quarter-hour until you see alittle clearing next to the stream. You’ll originated associate degree emergency camp here if would like be.

Another 10-15 minutes later, you’ll stumble upon a spot wherever you’ll come down to a tributary of stream Thamsa. Seek for a wood bridge to cross this stream that is simply below Datmir village. When crossing the tributary, you’ll reach a camping site in an exceedingly number of minutes. From here, facing the inner a part of the depression, find 2 trails, one moving upwards and another going straight ahead. Take the second route straight ahead.

The path from here is in health problem because it is susceptible to landslides. When 10-15 minutes of level walk, you’ll realize land cleared by shepherds to line up temporary night shelters. From here, the path climbs up, alternating between upward and level walks. Around ten minutes into the hike, look out for your initial landslide-prone section. You’ll have to be compelled to come back down the stream and cross the section that has caved in thanks to landslide. Around twenty minutes on this path can lead you to a spot wherever there’s a wood bridge to cross over stream Thamsa.

Ignore the bridge and proceed ahead. When five minutes, the path turns steep and criss-crosses upwards. This section can take regarding 15-20 minutes to hide. Throughout monsoon, expect this path to be fully lined in mud. The path can currently relax with a series of level walks. Before long you’ll approach a stream returning down Capitol Hill on your right, with a wood bridge over it.

For trekkers trekking by themselves, they’ll camp at the any camp website of Puani Garaat. The path picks up a bit altitude as you enter the forest once more. When 30-40 minutes, seek for associate degree recent village across the stream on your left. This can be Gangaad. From here, twenty minutes later, take a diversion towards your right till you reach a dhaba next to a wood bridge. Behind the dhaba may be a little hut, wherever locals use the momentum of water to run a mechanical rotary engine that grinds cereal into flour.

Just twenty five meters before the wood bridge, on the proper is Puani Garaat. There’s conjointly a cemented structure here. Since it’s incomplete, it’s unfeasible to remain in it well. However, if the weather is obtaining unhealthy and you can’t proceed, you’ll keep there. This can be the camping area and you’ll pitch your tent here for the night.

An alternative for Puani Garaat campsite: those that need to camp at Osla have to be compelled to cross the wood bridge. You will then get it the left aspect of stream Thamsa and trek on the stream to achieve Osla.

An alternative route from Puani Garaat: to achieve Seema, one has got to trek straight informed verity right of the stream all the thanks to Seema. There are a unit some steep ascents, however the path relaxes into a gradual walk typically. The landscape and parcel of land can stay like this for around ninety minutes.

From Seema, walk straight towards a bridge over Thamsa and obtain onto the left aspect of the depression. From here, seek for alittle cemented bridge some sixty meters higher than you. There’s alittle broken path that connects to the present bridge. Soon, you’ll connect with the extent path returning from Osla on the left. It goes straight ahead and can result in Har-Ki-dun.

Day 3: Bhinda ka Thach to Chilurgad
  • Time taken: 6 hours 7 km
  • Trek gradient: Easy Initial 90 minutes of level walks and small, steep sections followed by continuous ascent on a gradually increasing incline.
  • Water sources: You can refill your water bottles from the river along the trail.
  • Start the day’s trek by heading to Osla village, which involves crossing the bridge and walking alongside the river till you reach Osla.

Osla could be a tiny village, about 8,500 foot higher than water level. It’s known for a Someshwar Temple. Some people say it’s the temple of Someshwar Devta (an avatar of Lord Shiva). The design of this temple could be a marvel in itself. The villagers of Osla are pleased with 2 things – one, living within the range and 2, their satellite phone. Pay a while here and explore the village before moving on.

From Osla, the path includes some steep sections but generally leisurely level-walks. At intervals half an hour, you’d have crossed 2 streams, out of that the second features a picket bridge running over it. There’s conjointly an area temple to the proper. Cross the bridge and traverse round the mountain bend. You’ll currently see a series of meadows before of you.

After hiking for quarter-hour, you’ll enter the primary of a series of cleared lands. Note that a number of the land has been used for cultivation. From here, there are 2 a lot of mountain bends that you simply ought to traverse. The upward incline can bit by bit increase as you walk aboard a large field of boulders and grass. This whole section to succeed in the highest of the mountain bend could take around ninety minutes.

You will see a makeshift picket bridge below the vale over Thamsa. If you would like to trek to the meadows of Dev. Thach, Ruin Sara Dutch and Bali Pass, cross this bridge.

To go to Har Ki Dun, ignore the bridge and walk ahead. As you walk past a series of wheat fields, look out for 2 of the very best residential buildings during this region. The path ascends over the confluence of Thamsa and Ruin Sara rivers to a viewpoint with views of the snowcapped mountains of Dhauladhar.

The climb is steep however the beautiful landscape compensates for the struggle. As you reach this viewpoint, explore for Kalanag (Black Peak) and Bandar pooch ranges looming within the distance.

Day 4: Chilurgad to Simatra/ Bhashl Thach
  • Time taken: 5 hours, 4 km
  • Trek gradient: Easy. Initial descent of 15 minutes followed by mostly level walk for about 90 minutes. Steep climb for 15 minutes followed by a level walk and boulder section finishing off with a gradually ascending trail.
  • Water sources: You can refill your water bottles from the river along the trail

The meadows of Dev. Thach are clearly visible on your right, across the confluence of the 2 rivers. At this time, you have got crossed 3, 000 m altitude for the primary time. The vale currently separates into 2, with Har-Ki-dun on the left and Ruin Sara Dutch, Bali expire the proper.

As you cross the mountain bend, you’re greeted with the sight of the Har Ki Dun peak and Hata Peak, below that is Har-Ki-Dun vale. The camping ground is currently solely four kilometer away through pine forests and meadows. The path at the start descends as you trek and so becomes level for concerning 15-20 minutes.

After this, the path crosses multiple streams. The pine forest incorporates a sizable range of bush trees. There’s conjointly a beautiful stream gushing down on the approach, with a spread of chain alpine flowers on its sides, especially poppy. Concerning an hour later, tolerate another section of meadows with a pleasant growth of chestnut. The smell of cedar and pine wood trees is intoxicating to any nature lover. When another twenty minutes, you reach a tiny low falls and leave the meadows behind.

From this spot, you have got to barter a steep climb of concerning quarter-hour. Slowly, patches of snow begin showing on your path and become outstanding when a jiffy. When quarter-hour of level walk, spot another picket bridge.

From this junction there’s a brief climb of ten minutes, over boulders, until you reach another bivouac. The ultimate forest stretch lies before of you. When 0.5 AN hour over a gradual incline, you traverse the forest ridge from the left aspect of the vale.

As you cross over, explore for Forest Guest House huts simply before of you higher than a tiny low ridge. Walk for the ultimate ten minutes on the bivouac next to Thamsa and cross the last picket bridge to succeed in Har-Ki-dun. Look into the two valleys gap up before, divided by a stream referred to as Karmanasha. The vale towards your left goes to Maninda Dutch and Borasu Pass and also the different, to Jaundar ice mass.

Day 5: Simatra/ Bhashl Thach to Har-Ki-Dun (Maninda Taal) and return
  • Distance: 3km (Maninda Taal)
  • Time taken: 4 hours

You reach Har-Ki-Dun, the sheer great thing about the vale can cause you to ne’er wish to depart the place. So, a day of the week at the land site is extremely suggested. At Har-Ki-Dun, one will see the huge grounds below Swaragrohini-1 peak. The meadows here square measure choked with alpine flowers. You’ll explore the complete ground in regarding associate degree hour or 2.

  • Explore Maninda Taal from Har-Ki-Dun campsite (3 km, 3-4 hours)

To succeed in Maninda the Taal, flip left from the land site. Trek north towards Hata Peak, which works across a pretty alpine flower hayfield. From here, the route curves left as you reach a glacial lake. This can be Maninda the Taal. You’ll see the rare Brahma Kamal in abundance here. This can be a rare succulent that.

The logical route to Sangla vale via Borasu Pass is additionally visible from this viewpoint.

Day 6: Simatra/ Bhashl Thach to Chilurgad
  • Time taken: 6-7 hours, 11 km
  • Trek gradient: Easy. Trek back on the same route that you came by.
  • Water sources: You can refill your water bottles from the river along the trail

Begin trekking early as you’ve got a protracted distance to hide these days. Head back towards Chilurgad and so to Osla. Camp at Chilurgad.

Day 7: Chilurgad to Sankri via Taluka
  • Time taken: 8 hours, 13 km trek + 12 km drive
  • Trek gradient: Easy. Trek back on the same route that you came by.
  • Water sources: You can refill your water bottles from the river along the trail.

Trek to Taluka, followed by a twelve metric linear unit drive from Taluka to Sankri. The method back to Sankri is a straightforward one with consistent descents and level walks all the method from Taluka. However, if you intend to trek all the thanks to Sankri in a very single day, it’s associate degree exhausting trek, however a possible one.

Day 8: Drive from Sankri back to Dehradun
  • Time taken: 10-11 hour

Get yourself feet:-

The Har Ki Dun trek is assessed as a trek of moderate problem. You trek up to associate degree altitude of eleven,768 ft. you begin from associate degree altitude of vi,398 linear unit at Sankri and reach the very best purpose of eleven,768 linear unit at Har Ki Dun. This suggests there’s a protracted train that you simply can need to climb. Hence, you wish to create positive you’re appropriate the trek.

Cardiovascular endurance

This trek needs an honest quantity of vas endurance. You’ll begin by cardiopulmonary exercise every day. Begin jogging at a slow pace and so keep increasing your pace day by day. So as to be ready for top altitude trek, you must have a mix of distance and speed targets.

Here’s a fitness routine that works:

In case you’re simply beginning with an everyday fitness routine, end your distance targets within the following manner –

–>Target finishing five click in thirty five minutes once you begin.

–> bit by bit increase your pace by running four times every week and convey it all the way down to five click in but thirty five minutes.

–>This holds true for trekkers on top of forty five years conjointly.

If you’re someone you prefers athletics over running, then try and cowl twenty two click in hr.

Working out indoors

If you can’t leave and jog thanks to time and house constraints, here’s a video you will be able to use to work out within.

Things to take:-
Bare Necessities
  1. Trekking shoes: The trek distance is long and you will have to walk for long distances which need you to have comfortable trekking shoes. You can watch this video to learn to choose the right trekking shoes.
  2. Backpack (40-60 liters): A backpack with sturdy straps and a supporting frame. Rain cover for backpack is essential.

The Har Ki Dun trek happens around the year apart from monsoons thus certify you have the correct clothing as per the season demands thus you’ll keep yourself protected throughout the trek.


On a trek, carry fewer garments than you’d unremarkably want. Don’t pack for ‘what if situations’. Which will solely increase the burden of your backpack and not be used on the trek. Once your garments get warm au courant a trek, you’ll not desire ever-changing. Simply maintain personal hygiene.

  1. Three Warm Layers: You will be trekking and camping at high altitudes. The Bhojbasa campsite is especially windy. So make sure you have the apt clothes for the climatic conditions. It will be cold at the higher altitudes so make sure you have at least three layers of warm clothes to protect yourself.
  2. Two trek pants: One pair of pants should suffice for this trek. But you can carry one spare pair in case the first one gets wet. Wear one pair and carry one pair. Denim/jeans and shorts are not suitable for trekking.
  3. Three collared t-shirts: Carry light, full sleeved t-shirts that prevent sun burns on the neck and arms. Let one of these be a dry-fit t-shirt. It will dry quickly in case you are trekking on a rainy day. A common mistake that trekkers make is not changing their t-shirts often enough. Regardless of how cold it is, the body tends to sweat a lot. Trekkers who don’t change to fresh clothes after reaching the campsite fall ill due to wet clothes and are often unable to complete their trek. 
  4. Thermals (Optional): Those who are more susceptible to cold can carry thermals to wear at night.
  1. Sunglasses: Sunglasses are to prevent snow blindness.
  2. Sun cap: The sun is harsher at high altitudes so wear a sun cap to protect your face and neck.
  3. Synthetic hand gloves: One pair of fleece or woolen hand gloves. One pair of water proof/resistant, wind proof gloves.
  4. Balaclava: You may use woolen scarves instead as well.
  5. Socks (2 pairs): Apart from two sports socks, you can take a pair of woolen socks for the night.
  6. Headlamp/LED torch: Mandatory
  7. Trekking pole:
  1. Daypack (20 liters): If you are offloading your backpack, you will need a smaller backpack to carry water, medical kit and some light snacks.
  2. Toiletries: Sunscreen, moisturizer, light towel, lip balm, toilet paper, toothbrush, toothpaste, hand sanitizer. Do not carry wet wipes since these are not biodegradable. If you do happen to use wet wipes to clean up after a trek, make sure you bring them back with you. The same holds for used sanitary napkins. Carry a zip lock bag to put used wet tissues and napkins. Bring this zip lock bag back with you to the city and do not dispose wet tissues and sanitary napkins in the mountains.
  3. Cutlery: Carry a spoon, coffee mug and a lunch box. We insist on trekkers getting their own cutlery for hygiene reasons.
  4. Two water bottles: 1 liter each
  5. Plastic covers: While packing, use plastic bags to compartmentalize things and carry few extra plastic bags for wet clothes.

Mandatory Personal Medical Kit

  1. Diamox – 10 tablets
  2. Dexamethasone – one strip
  3. Nifedipine – 5 tablets
  4. Crocin – 6 tablets (fever)
  5. Avomine – 4 tablets (motion sickness)
  6. Avil 25mg – 4 tablets (allergies)
  7. Combiflam – 4 tablets (Pain killer)
  8. Norflox TZ & Lomofen– 6 tablets each (diarrhea)
  9. Digene – 10 tablets (acidity)
  10. Omez/ Rantadine – 10 tablets (antacids)
  11. Crepe bandage – 3 to 5 meters
  12. Gauze – 1 small roll
  13. Band aid – 10 strips
  14. Cotton – 1 small roll
  15. ORS – 10 packets
  16. Betadine or any antiseptic cream
  17. Moov spray (aches, & sprains)
  18. Knee cap, if you are prone to knee injury
  19. Anti-fungal powder

Mandatory Documents

Please email a scan of your ID document (PAN, Aadhar card or Voter ID) to your Ground Coordinator as soon as you have finished registering for the trek. If you submit the Aadhar card or Voter ID scans, please make sure that we get both the side. This is required in advance to get the necessary trekking permissions.

Please carry the below documents. Document two and three need to be downloaded (PDF), filled in, signed and handed over to the trek leader at the base camp.

Original and photocopy of government photo identity card- (driving license, voters ID, etc.)
Medical Certificate (first part to be filled by a doctor and second part by the trekker) – Download PDF

Disclaimer form (to be filled by the trekker) – Download PDF

Map & getting here:-

How to get to the basecamp – Sankri

Delhi → Dehradun → Sankri

The Har Ki Dun trek starts from Sankri, 196 click from Dehradun. Sankri could be a little village active with trekkers. There are around 250 homes during this village, and therefore the views from here are beautiful!

Organizes transport from Dehradun to Sankri. The obtain is at half dozen.30 am from Dehradun railroad terminal on Day one. The cab fare is Rs.5, 500 per vehicle. This can be not enclosed within the trek fee. It’s to be shared by trekkers and paid on to the driver.

The drive to Sankri is gorgeous, beside the river Tons. You experience Mussoorie, that could be an in style hill station. Stop for breakfast at Kempty Waterfalls, that could be an in style traveler destination. You may reach Sankri around half dozen.00 pm.

Note: Just in case you’ve got excess baggage, you’ll keep it at the bottom camp, Sankri, and collect it once you’ve completed the trek. Lockers aren’t obtainable, thus please ensure that you simply don’t leave behind any valuables

To reach Dehradun

The best thanks to reach Dehradun is to require a nightlong train from Delhi. There are two trains available from city to Dehradun.

  • 12205 Nandadevi Express – 23.50 – 5.40
  • 12055 DDN Jan Shatabdi – 15.20 – 21.10 (reach the previous night)

If you can’t notice a train, then take a bus. To remain on the safe aspect, book buses on-line earlier. Book such you’ve got some buffer time to form it to Dehradun on time for the pick-up; buses typically get delayed.

Getting back

Sankri → Dehradun→ Delhi

If you want to get to the base camp by yourself

The Har Ki Dun trek ends at Sankri. From Sankri, you’ll be retracing your route all the thanks to Dehradun. It takes 10-11 hours to defend to Dehradun. India hikes organizes this transport for a fare of Rs.5, 500 per cab. This can be to be shared amongst trekkers and paid to the motive force directly. You may reach Dehradun by half dozen.00 pm.

If you’re travel clear of Dehradun, keep some of hours as buffer time just in case of delay. Book your onward travel from Dehradun post eight.00 pm. If you’re travel to urban center, you’ll prefer to return by Mussoorie categorical (21.20) or mountain peak categorical (23.30).

Dehradun There are direct buses from Dehradun to Sankri. They leave at half dozen.00 am, seven am and eight am respectively from Dehradun railroad terminal.

If you’re reaching Dehradun late, you’ll take a bus to Purola/Naugaon so a connecting bus to Sankri. The last bus leaves from Dehradun railroad terminal at twelve.00 noon. If you reach Purola late, you’ll keep their nightlong.

If you’re taking an employed taxi, the route is pretty easy. First, head to Mussoorie, then move all the way down to Yamuna Bridge via Kempty falls. Then follow the Yamuna on your left till you reach Damta and more on to Naugaon. Cross the Yamuna at Naugaon and head towards Purola. The route straightaway turns scenic, with pine trees dominating the road.

At Purola break for lunch. From Purola, the route gets mesmerizing with the road rise up and dropping through thick pine forests till you get to Mori on the Tons stream. Five click out of Purola try and find the south face of the Kedarkantha peak on your left. The best peak, it’s not troublesome to identify.

From Mori, follow the Tons to Antiwar, once more through some exciting mountain scenery. At Naitwar, the road branches off to the proper on the Supine, till you get to Sankri AN hour later.

What are the risks on the Har Ki Dun Trek?

Har Ki Dun could be a trek of moderate issue. And with each high altitude trek comes a flurry of risks – hypoxia being the largest risk. We tend to pay utmost importance to safety of trekkers. whereas we tend to do our bit to make sure a trekker’s life is safe, we tend to conjointly expect any traveler United Nations agency is enrolling with US to grasp what may get it wrong, and if it will, the way to tackle it.

What India hikes does to ensure your safety:

Our philosophy is straightforward. We have a tendency to ingrain safety aspects within the folks we have a tendency to work with, within the processes that we have a tendency to follow, and within the instrumentation we supply. All our trek leaders’ square measure trained repeatedly on issues of safety and protocols. Most problems square measure resolved with their intervention.

Right from the time you opt to register for the trek until the Last Day of the trek, these safety procedures are going to be running within the background. We’ve got listed many of them below:

1. Fitness criteria before registration

Over years of organizing high altitude treks, we’ve got found that questions of safety thrive amongst those that are unfit and unprepared for the trek. Therefore we’ve got introduced associate eligibility criteria for the Gaumukh Tapovan trek. Anyone who desires to register for the Gaumukh Tapovan trek must meet the fitness needs, with the perfect BMI. The BMI and fitness regime would force proof. A high altitude trek isn’t to be taken casually.

2. Rest Day at Har Ki Dun Campsite

On the fifth day of the trek, we have allocated a rest day at the Har Ki Dun campsite. Prior to arriving at the Har Ki Dun campsite, you would have gained an altitude of 5,371 feet and trekked a distance of 24 km. So your body needs rest to recover from fatigue.

3. Monitoring health on a trek

Any abnormal reading will be paid particular attention to and action will be taken immediately.

On the Gaumukh Tapovan trek, your Trek Leader will be monitoring two aspects thrice a day.

  • Oxygen Level
  • Pulse Rate

Your Blood Pressure levels will be checked once a day.

This can facilitate U.S. make sure that your body is acclimatizing as needed.

Every traveler are given a Health Card at the start of the trek. The Health Card is issued to observe the trekker’s daily health, whereby they’ll be coming into details concerning their health every day. It additionally contains details of what symptoms one ought to look out for and what action ought to be taken throughout emergencies. These Health Cards are collected back at the top of the trek.

4. High Altitude Medical Kit

Your trek leader are carrying a full-fledged high altitude medical kit. This can embody basic medicines and specific medicines line to hypoxia – Diamox, Hexadrol (tablets and injections) and calcium blocker. Your Trek Leader also will be carrying a transportable O cylinder throughout the trek. Additionally thereto, there square measure O cylinders put in in any respect high altitude campsites for any emergency things.

5. High Altitude Trek Equipment

To confirm safe trekking on snowy parcel, give you with micro-spikes to connect to your shoes. This can provide you with smart traction on laborious snow. To avoid snow from coming into your shoes, give you with gaiters that you just will placed on over your shoes. You’ll have qualified technical guides with you, World Health Organization can lead the means on troublesome parcel.

All our sleeping baggage and tents square measure customized for prime altitude. If it’s cold outside, it’ll be around ten degrees hotter within the tent. The sleeping baggage will stand up to temperatures up to -10 degree.

With of these processes and equipment in situ, you’ll be able to be rest assured that you just can have a secure trek.

Nevertheless, you’ll have to be compelled to take care and report the slightest of symptoms to your trek leader as before long as you’re feeling them.

6. Being hydrated and well-nourished on the trek

You wish to drink a minimum of four liters of water each day throughout the trek to confirm that you’re well hydrous. De-hydration on a trek will cause you to lose energy terribly quickly and intensify the results of AMS. Your trek leader can temporary you concerning the quantity of water that you just have to be compelled to carry with you at the beginning of every day still as water sources on the path.

We provide trekkers with nutritive meals to confirm that they’re energized to finish the path on a daily basis. Aside from this, snacks or packed lunch is provided where the path before a meal break is probably going to be long. Make certain that you just don’t skip any meal as this will cause serious health emergencies on high altitudes.

What you mandatorily have to be compelled to recognize if you’re happening the Gaumukh Tapovan trek

What you compulsorily need to know if you’re going on the Har Ki Dun trek

If you have got registered for this trek, then here is a few data that you just should grasp so as to own a secure trek. At we tend to believe that as long as you’re intelligent and well-prepared, you’ll survive simply at high altitude.

First thing you ought to grasp is that Har Ki Dun could be a High Altitude trek. It climbs up to Associate in Nursing altitude of 11,700 ft. therefore it comes with its fair proportion of risks – hypoxia, lack of straightforward exit points, unfriendly parcel and extreme altitude gain.

Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS)

AMS is one in every of the largest dangers on a high altitude trek like Har Ki Dun. AMS happens once your body isn’t acclimatizing to its surroundings. It will accelerate terribly quickly, therefore it’s vital to spot the symptoms as presently as you see them. Before you browse additional, watch this video to grasp the symptoms of AMS.

Where on the Har Ki Dun trek is AMS likely to affect you:

Over years of conducting the Har Ki Dun trek, we’ve got noticed that there are a unit some campsites wherever trekkers area unit most at risk of be hit by AMS. Let’s take you thru the trek in order that you recognize wherever it’s possible to occur and what precautions you’ll take.

On the primary 2 days of the trek, between Sankri, Taluka and Puani Garaat, it’s safe to mention that you just won’t expertise any symptoms. They’re at fairly low altitudes, with Puani Garaat simply touching the border of high altitude (8,280 ft.)

On the third day, at Kalkatiyadhar, many trekkers begin to feel nauseated. Kalkatiyadhar is at Associate in nursing altitude of 8,986 ft.

On the fourth day, you climb from Kalkatiyadhar to Har Ki Dun, which is 8,986 linear unit to 11,768 ft. that’s a pair of, 700 feet altitude gain on one day. The Har Ki Dun encampment has had many cases of AMS being reportable. At 11,768 ft., it’s at Associate in nursing unfriendly altitude. Trekkers sometimes complain of headache and fatigue upon reaching Har Ki Dun.

What to do if you feel symptoms of AMS at Kalkatiyadhar or Har Ki Dun?

If you are feeling any symptoms of AMS on the trek, you need to report back to the Trek Leader instantly. Don’t wait until the top of the day’s trek. Don’t attempt to handle it yourself either. Our Trek Leaders area unit well-trained and knowledgeable to handle any cases and that they are going to be the choice manufacturers in any such cases.

Watch the video below to grasp a way to treat and stop AMS. The knowledge during this video is rare to seek out. With this information, you’ll most likely save your own life or another’s trekker’s life.

As a primary step, your trek leader can run you thru the Triple One check – One Disprin, One cubic decimeter of water and One hour of rest. If you’re tormented by dehydration, this may solve the matter and you’ll be fine in one hour. If the symptoms don’t depart, then he’ll begin to treat you for AMS, maybe with a course of Diamox. If you’re already on a course of Diamox, your trek leader is probably going to extend the dose.

The raised dose of Diamox sometimes takes care of the acute altitude sickness. Additionally to it, the remainder day at Har Ki Dun on Day five helps trekkers get enough rest whereas conjointly obtaining acclimatized to the altitude.

If you’re not at your 100% at the top of Day five, then again, report back to your Trek Leader. AMS will intensify and switch into HAPE or HACE. He can cause you to descend to Puani Garaat, wherever you’ll be fine. This can be the sole encampment wherever exit is feasible quickly as a result of it’s the nighest encampment to the bottom village, Sankri.

If you face any of the symptoms of acute altitude sickness, don’t take them gently. Report them to your trek leader instantly.

If Diamox alone doesn’t work, he may administer Dex or calcium blocker, or maybe atomic number 8, reckoning on the circumstances.

On the Har Ki Dun trek, there are cases of AMS being reportable. Whereas AMS will be treated with medicines for the foremost half, the symptoms should be recognized before it will head to advanced stages – High Altitude pulmonic lump (HAPE) and High Altitude Cerebral lump (HACE).

HAPE and HACE area unit important conditions which will be fatal at intervals hours. And that they will occur while not AMS preceding them. Therefore it’s doubly vital to recognize any symptoms and nip them within the bud.

Exit points on the Har Ki Dun trek:

The safest purpose on a trek wherever a traveler will descend to Associate in nursing rest is taken into account an Exit purpose. On the Har Ki Dun trek, exit is very troublesome. If you’re hit by AMS at any purpose on the trek, Puani Garaat would be the perfect encampment to descend to. Puani Garaat has mules. From Puani Garaat, Taluka could be a twelve click drive that takes regarding Associate in nursing hour to succeed in. Taluka village includes a basic medical clinic and it will be used solely to induce first-aid treatments.

Closest hospital:

For any advanced treatment, Purola has the nighest well-equipped hospital within the space. It’s fifty five click from Sankri (base village of the Har Ki Dun trek). Usually, it takes four hours to succeed in Purola. Throughout winters, there’ll be plenty of snow on the road. It may take longer.

This means that just in case there are a unit any medical emergencies, you have got to descend all the thanks to Sankri and rent a machine to Purola. Evacuation can take twenty four hours or less since {you are a deep within the vale and also the roads connecting Sankri and Purola are notoriously unhealthy.

Why you should personally know about the risks and precautions of high altitude treks

If ever you discover yourself alone at high altitude, either whereas trekking severally or with another organization, there square measure some life -saving steps you’ll be able to take. Firstly, you ought to be able to recognize symptoms of hypoxia. Therefore acquaint yourself with the symptoms.

Secondly, there may be instances after you ought to administer medicines to yourself or to a fellow traveler. There square measure 3 life-saving medicines that we advise you usually keep on you – Diamox, Hexadrol and calcium blocker.

If you’re trekking with India hikes, don’t administer these to anyone while not consulting your Trek Leader. If you’re trekking severally then you wish to grasp once precisely to administer these medicines and in what indefinite quantity.

Also make sure that you’re well hydrous throughout the trek and don’t skip any meal.

You can watch the video below to be told concerning HAPE and HACE and the way to tackle them. Within the video, Sandhya UC, partner at India hikes, explains well concerning High Altitude respiratory organ and cerebral oedema, what the symptoms square measure and the way to tackle them.

It is a myth that fit and experienced people are not affected by Acute Mountain Sickness

If you’re of the opinion that work individuals don’t get AMS, please get eliminate that notion at once. AMS will Associate in Nursing effect on} anyone while not paying heed to their fitness and previous expertise at high altitude! Hypoxia doesn’t distinguish between a primary timer and an old traveler.

Cancelation policy:-

What you need to know about the trek fee

The trek fee of Rs. 9,750 + 5% GST covers all costs of the trek from Sankri to Sankri.

Here is what the trek fee includes:
  1. Accommodation – Stay is included from Day 1 to Day 7 (Sankri to Sankri). You will be staying at a lodge in Sankri and camping on remaining days of the trek (3 per tent).
  2. Meals – All meals from dinner at Sankri on Day 1 to breakfast at Sankri on Day 8 are included. We provide simple, nutritious vegetarian food on all days of the trek.
  3. Camping charges – All trekking permits and forest camping charges are included.
  4. Trekking equipment – You will stay in high quality tents and sleeping bags in all the camps. Our high altitude sleeping bags can withstand temperatures as low as -10 ºC. We provide ice axes, ropes, micro spikes, gaiters etc. as required.
  5. Safety equipment – First aid, medical kit, oxygen cylinders, stretchers etc. will be available at all campsites to deal with emergencies.
  6. Services of an expert Trek Leader – All our trek leaders are qualified in basic / advanced mountaineering courses.
  7. Services of an expert Trek Team – The mountain staff on this trek consists of well-trained guides, cooks, helpers and porters.
Here is what the trek fee excludes:
  1. Transport to and from the base camp – We will arrange shared taxis for trekkers to pick you up from Dehradun and drop you back from Sankri. This will cost approx. Rs. 5,500 per 5-6 seater vehicle one way. You will have to share this cost with the other trekkers
  2. Food during transit to and from the base camp – The trek fee does not include meals purchased during the journey to Sankri and back.
  3. Backpack offloading charges – If you wish to offload your backpack, there will be an additional charge of Rs. 1,500 + 5% GST. The backpack cannot weigh more than 9 kgs.Suitcases/strolleys/duffel bags will not be allowed. Please note that charges will vary for last minute offloading in case you decide to offload your bag after reaching Sankri (Rs.350 per day inclusive of taxes). Online offloading in advance is possible up to two days prior to the trek start date.
  4. Stay at Dehradun on the last day
  5. Personal expenses of any kind
  6. Anything apart from inclusions
Terms & Conditions

1. Cancellation: If a trek is termed off at the last moment thanks to a natural calamity/unforeseen circumstances (like rains, earthquake, landslides, strike, bandh etc.), The voucher will be ransomed for an equivalent trek or another trek within the next one year.

In case, you want to cancel your trek, please login to your account and cancel. Cancellation requests won’t be confiscated phone or email.

The cancellation charges square measure as below.

  • Cancellations before thirty days from the beginning of the trek — full refund.
  • Cancellation between thirty days and twenty days to the beginning of the trek — five hundredth refund.
  • Cancellation but twenty days to the beginning of the trek — no refund.

Please note: just in case of refund, there’ll be a deduction of four-dimensional (Cancellation charges) from the whole fee you’ve got paid. Also, if you’ve got opted for a trek insurance, the number won’t be refunded.

2. The trek fee: – Includes all prices of the trek from the beginning at the Sankri base camp to the top at Sankri.

3. Pick up: Trekkers square measure picked up from Dehradun terminal at 6:30 am. Usually, trekkers square measure clubbed in conjunction with alternative participants to form a gaggle. The cluster travels along to Sankri in shared cabs.

4. Transport: Transport from Dehradun to Sankri and come back from Sankri to Dehradun will be organized by United States at an additional price. Participants ought to share the price of the cab (approximate cost Rs. 5,500 per vehicle, one way). The number is to be paid on to our transporter. No service tax is applicable on transport price. Solely arranges the vehicle develop and isn’t chargeable for any problems throughout transport.

5. Backpack off-loading: Expects all trekkers to hold their own backpacks. All common gear are carried by the support team. If for a few reason a traveler is unable to hold his or her backpack, he/she will offload an equivalent by paying a further charge.

Backpack offloading charges – Rs. 1,500/- and GST of fifty. Charges for eleventh hour offloading throughout the trek are Rs. 350 per day comprehensive of tax. Partial offloading isn’t allowed. Charges can vary for eleventh hour on slope offloading. The backpack cannot weigh over nine metric weight unit. No suitcases/strolleys/duffel baggage are allowed. On-line offloading earlier is feasible up to 2 days before the trek begin date.

6. Emergency during trek: In a very trek a medical emergency or the other emergency could arise. If for any reason you’re sent down from the trek then can build arrangements for your come back to the bottom camp or nearest road head. A workers can accompany you. He might not be a trained personnel.

Evacuation or coping with emergencies is very difficult within the mountains. It’s time overwhelming in addition. A standard trek of two hours could take half-dozen hours in an emergency. Doctors don’t go at the side of a team. Doctors aren’t accessible at the bottom camp or nearest road head either. Trek leaders are trained to administer aid and savvy to affect problems associated with the mountains. However, they’re not doctors.

Registering for this trek is a perceiving that you just have browse au courant the difficulties of high altitude trekking and understand the risks. You’ve got additionally understood what AMS, HAPE and HACE square measure. You’ve got taken efforts to teach yourself and you’re in a very position to manage your own altitude connected emergency.

7. Fitness: A high altitude trek within the mountain range needs hefty fitness. Your body must train itself to method a lot of work with lower levels of chemical element. Therefore, on treks, vessel coaching is critically vital. You wish to be ready to jog a distance of four.5 click in thirty minutes before begin of the trek. Unable to try and do therefore will build your trek troublesome. Additionally, preparation of trek must embrace strength and adaptability coaching. Registering for the trek is associate understanding that you just can undertake the mandated fitness coaching. Trekkers United Nations agency haven’t adequately ready is also asked to discontinue the trek at any purpose. Has the proper to reject candidates United Nations agency don’t meet our eligibility demand at the bottom camp.

8. Non-liability: We have a tendency to aren’t chargeable for any loss/damage of your gears/equipment or alternative belongings on the trek.

9. Payment: Payment for the trek will be done on-line through credit/debit card or internet banking. Cheque/draft or money isn’t accepted.

10. Drinking and smoking: Throughout the trek is strictly prohibited. If found flouting the foundations, your participation on the trek are off with immediate impact.

11. Safety Protocol:

a. whereas our itineraries are designed to permit for adequate adaptation, most treks in Indian mountain range climb quickly, that is termed forced accents. Inconvenience of camp sites and therefore the Indian range piece of ground are the rationale for this. There square measure probabilities that you just can feel the effects of hypoxia and oxygen deprivation whereas on this trek. Please bear in mind that your trek leader could see it unsafe for you to continue trekking at any time, and organize for you to descend to a lower angle.

b. Our trek leaders can conduct routine health checks in any respect camps to live chemical element saturation, pulse and vital sign. Reserves the proper to exclude any traveler from mounting higher on the trek while not refund if the trekker’s important readings square measure below accepted norms for that altitude. These norms square measure accessible with trek leaders.

c. this is often a high altitude trek with rough, rocky and snowy piece of ground. it’s vital that you just square measure a work and assured walker in mountain piece of ground, ready to manage ascents and descents by yourself at intervals an affordable time. Please realistically self-assess your fitness and suitableness for this trek before registering.

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