Doban, Rorathang – Siliguri

Know About Doban

Doban is surrounded with dense forest and grasslands and is home to a huge population of migratory and residential birds. The golden gleam of sunrise is beyond question awesome. Will simply appreciate the rivers in moonlit night beneath the starlit sky. It’s sort of a silver jewellery lying on a green patch of land. When a hearty breakfast will quit for a brief nature trek to the surrounding forests.

Overview of Doban

If looking forward to a stunning destination in North Bengal to have a good weekend together with beloved ones – Doban are often choice. In Nepali – “Do” suggests that “two” and “Ban” suggests that “to tie”, therefore Doban refers to the attachment of 2 rivers. This beautiful new spot within the Kalimpong sub division is found at the confluence of 2 rivers, Rangpo river and Reshi river. The destination is step by step gaining quality among the tourists for its unique location and picturesque landscape with close forests. Moreover, Doban makes an ideal stopover for the tourists travel through the Silk Route. It are often a perfect place for payment each day in sparkling weather look birds and fishing before taking to the high-altitude lakes of the Silk Route in sikkim. Would ought to cross a wooden bridge over Reshi river to succeed in Doban.

How to Reach Doban

Doban is very around Rorathang, that may be a border city between East sikkim and West Bengal. It’s set at a distance of eighty four klick from Siliguri and forty seven klick from Kalimpong. Will avail rented cars in keeping with alternative and budget from each these places to achieve the destination.

Food & Lodge of Doban

Accommodation choices area unit very restricted in Doban. There’s just one village resort close at the confluence of Rangpo and Reshi Rivers. Set out over eight acres of wooded landscape on the riverside, this resort includes a few cozy cottages decked out with all trendy facilities. The accommodation isn’t super luxurious but quite good. If the “Backpackers” sort – then will prefer tents too. feeding is actually Indian cooking with freshly harvested locally fully grown vegetables, native country chicken and typically freshly caught fish from the stream.


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